Saturday, July 16, 2011

Can you house green iguanas, pacman frogs, & fire salamanders together?

can green iguanas be housed together with pacman frogs and fire salamanders? i've read something online that iguanas could be housed together with other species i.e. turtles and tortoises by most but since iguanas and pacman frogs both reside in the rainforest's of south america could they live together peacefully, i'm aware that you shouldn't "mix" different species together, etc. but i've heard it can be done successfully and it has but will the pacman frog eat the fire salamander or not? i've seen a video on youtube with somebodies fire salamander that was housed with two fire-bellied toads and they've all been living with each other completely fine and no harm whatsoever for years but i know that iguanas could be aggressive towards their cage mates and may occasionally kill him and probably eat them (has happened before!) but what if it's a female iguana but could these three herps live together peacefully, if you were to build the cage large enough with a lot of hides for each of them to go into and a very large water dish than wouldn't they be fine or do all three of them require different housing requirements?

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